Friday, August 17, 2007

Some fresh air on Specs shelf...

Finnally someone had the courage to say some truth about the so-called software specifications. The lack of specs have been for many time deemed as the cause of bad software.Now great Linus Torvalds is saying that Real standards grow up _despite_ specs, not thanks to them.Now when someone says the the fault is on missing specs, you may argue with some heavy-weight backup.Specs are much more complex than what's really needed. Also, as the product does not exist yet, specs often miss the target, and concern on "virtual stuff", loosing what is important, which is the concept and the implementation.Standards should grow natturally from a hand full of co-developers, as the software grows. Tippically the developer assumes a QA role, here and everywhere.Check the thread at article pointed by slashdot

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